Roanne Animation Short Film Festival Competitions

The 7th Roanne Animation Short Film Festival , organised by the city hall of Roanne ( France ), will take place from the 14th to the 20th of March 2016 .

Within the Festival there are three main competitions:

· International
· National
· Experimental

The international and national competitions are open to short films of animation of less than thirty minutes produced since January 1st, 2014 , without regards to their technique of animation.

The experimental competition instead is open only to works of less than twenty minutes . Video clips wishing to participate must be registered within the experimental competition and the prize of the best video clip will be awarded by the young jury.

Every participant has to send a DVD PAL , if possible with French subtitles ( if not, one copy with English subtitles ). The main criterion of selection will be the artistic quality and the originality of the proposed works.

There is no entry fee . Eligibility Open worldwide to directors and producers of short films. Prize • International competition :
· Grand Prix of the jury: 1,200 Euro ( approx. 1,320 USD )
· Audience award: 1,000 Euro ( approx. 1,100 USD )

• National competition
· 1st audience award: 1,200 Euro ( approx. 1,320 USD )
· 2nd audience award: 800 Euro ( approx. 880 USD )

• Experimental competition
· Experimental Grand Prix: 1,000 Euro ( approx. 1,100 USD )
· ”Young jury” Prize for the best music video: 400 Euro ( approx. 440 USD )

• Best film for children : 400 Euro ( approx. 440 USD )

Moreover, the festival will make a selection of very short films ( between 1 and 5 minutes ) and a prize of 300 Euro ( approx. 330 USD ) will be given to the best one.


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