One City One Pride Arts Festival Design Competition

The City of West Hollywood through its Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission invites any and all artists to create a poster proposal that celebrates the theme of this year’s One City One Pride Arts Festival .

This year’s festival is themed ’ Into The Streets ’, an exploration of the impact of the geographic locations and psychographics of a community on the LGBTQ rights movement. Projects literally take the art into the streets and outdoors, and re-examine the history of West Hollywood as the Creative City. Submissions should incorporate this theme as a major part of their design.

Each year the City of West Hollywood produces a program of LGBTQ -related arts, educational and cultural events between Harvey Milk Day ( May 22, 2015 ) through the end of June Pride Month ( June 30, 2015 ), providing 40 days of celebrating pride through meaningful arts, education, and cultural programming. The festival comprises film screenings, exhibitions, theatre, dance, music, installation art, literary events, and more.

Submissions should be square or rectangular in design and occupy no larger than an 11″ by 6″ area of the 11″ by 17″ vertical orientation poster. Ideal submissions will have a neutral background of a single color that is either dark or light so that readable text can be placed over it. Posters be submitted both as a low-res jpg and as a hi-res PSD or PDF file of at least 600 ppi.

There is no entry fee . Eligibility Open to all visual artists worldwide. Prize The selected winner will win an award of 400 USD and the opportunity to display their artwork to thousands of people as part of the One City One Pride promotional campaign.


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