The Lumen Prize Exhibition Award 2014

The Lumen Prize Exhibition is an international award that celebrates the very best fine art created digitally. Our goal is to focus the world’s attention on this exciting, emerging genre of fine art that can travel across borders effortlessly and be enjoyed in a wide range of venues – from galleries and museums in the world’s biggest cities to outdoor public spaces in urban and rural environments.
Work submitted for this competition must be created, at least in part, on tablets, digital cameras, smartphones or computers . Traditional work can be part of the creative process, but the output must be digital rather than physical.

The competition aims to reach a growing, global public that is increasingly interested in art created with the latest technology. We intend to promote the most compelling work of well-known artists working with this technology as well as young artists who would otherwise not have access to a global audience.

The power of art can promote both change and social progress. In addition to accepting entries from anywhere in the world, we will also seek out artists in low income and conflict-affected countries and communities. To assist in this outreach, we are working with Peace Direct , a registered charity, which has links to local arts and cultural groups in many of these areas.

The Lumen Jury is seeking fine art of exceptional merit, originality, and artistic talent created in part or in full with the use of an app or software. Artists may choose to create their entries through the use of graphic design, animation, illustration, digital photography and/or non-narrative time-based work.

Entry fees are US$40 for two jpegs with a file size limit of 1MB or, if an entry contains moving elements, two URL links to time-based work with maximum length of 30 seconds. If selected for the short-list, artists will be invited to send their work at its original size and/or length. There is no limit to how many times you can enter .

The Lumen Prize Exhibition has been launched by Treberfydd Foundation Ltd , a not-for-profit company registered in Wales, UK. Any surplus, after costs, will go to Peace Direct , our partner charity, supporting its vital work with local peacebuilders around the world. Artists working in certain countries where Peace Direct is active will be able to enter the contest for free . Eligibility Entries are welcome from anywhere in the world. Prize 7 cash prizes worth a total of US$5750 including $3000 for the Winner of Lumen Gold, $1000 for SIlver, $750 for Bronze, £250 for the People’s Choice Award and $250 each for the Founder’s Prize, Creative Coding and Animate Awards.

Top 100 Works will win a place in the 2014 Lumen Online Gallery which opens in September 2014 for a public vote for the People’s Choice Award. All 100 are also eligible for the Founder’s Prize, Creative Coding and Lumen Animate Awards.

Moreover, a Shortlist of 25 Works will win a place in the Lumen Prize Exhibition which will tour the world from October 2014 to June 2015 . The cash prizes will be announced at an awards ceremony in Cardiff in October, 2014 .

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