Bunch and Alberto Hernández, in collaboration with Milieu Grotesque, launch F R A N K — a new modern stencil typeface.
F R A N K is a limited edition typeface designed by Bunch and Alberto Hernández. It was created especially for the rebranding of Cerovski, (a print production studio) in 2013, then developed into a commercial full character set by Milieu Grotesque.
The sans-serif display typeface follows the formal tradition of lathe-milling, as used for modular stencils through a mono-linear, thick main stroke and geometric rounded endings. Following a talk by Assoc. Prof. Eric Kindel (University of Reading), the team were encouraged to explore the subject of stencils further, and after a very positive response to the Cerovski rebrand they evolved F R A N K into a font for all to use and play with.
F R A N K has 207 glyphs including a set of alternative glyphs and additional arrows and it is available as OpenType (postscript avoured) and Web Open Font formats exclusively via type foundry Milieu Grotesque.
The team have launched a limited edition pack of 100 to accompany the 100 unique copies of the typeface purchased from Milieu Grotesque. The packs contain a 32-page specimen featuring an essay on the history of the stencil by Mag. art. Dr. phil. Thomas Maier, lecturer on typography and graphic design at the University of Art and Design in Linz (Austria), a brass stencil and the digital typeface itself. The specimens also feature embossings, perforations, foil blocking and textured paper to show the typeface at its best, making these very tactile and engaging.
The limited edition pack is available exclusively from milieugrotesque.com/frank
Bunch: bunchdesign.com
Alberto Hernández: albertohernandez.co.uk
TYPE FOUNDRY/PUBLISHER Milieu Grotesque: milieugrotesque.com
Mag. art. Dr. phil. Thomas Maier,
University of Art and Design, Linz: ufg.ac.at
Siniša Cerovski, Cerovski: printcerovski.com
Christophe Balaresque and Florence Douek,
Arjowiggins: arjowigginscreativepapers.com
VIDEO PRODUCTION: Vinko Pelicarić and Rino Barbir
M U S I C P R O D U C T I O N: Gabriel Gonzpa
B R A S S S T E N C I L P R O D U C T I O N:
Tonči Leš, Martony: graviranje-markiranje.com
C O P Y E D I T I N G:
Jo Kotas: jokotas.com
Vanja Šolin: proces15.com