Leipziger Typotage 2014 website

Contributed by Indra Kupferschmid

License: All Rights Reserved.

The Leipzig “Typotage” type conference takes place since 1995 in the printing museum, first as a two or three day fest, since 2008 as a one day event. After many years of changing looks, Maurice Göldner and Susanne Richwien gave the Typotage a new and current design. The website, realised by Zentrumwest, makes great use of Thomas Thiemich’s typeface Remo, published by Ourtype. (As an aside, Göldner and Thiemich, as well as Peter Mohr and Monique Dickmanns of Zentrumwest, studied typeface design in Leipzig with Fred Smeijers.)

License: All Rights Reserved.

License: All Rights Reserved.

License: All Rights Reserved.

License: All Rights Reserved.

License: All Rights Reserved.

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