PALETTE No.6: Transparent

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Transparency is a powerful attribute in design, carrying a personality that can be as glaring as hues.

It extends and limits vision, spawns a sense of presence and absence and conceals and reveals content, luring viewers into exploring what lies beneath and beyond. Whether it is a tangible element or a conceptual idea that deceives the eyes, it is this beguiling layer that can make all the difference.

As the latest addition to the well-loved colour-themed collection PALETTE, PALETTE No.6: Transparent kicks off the new cycle of design practice where visibility is called into question.

In three sections sorted by opacity, transparency and then everything in between, this book unveils the mutable visual experiences of transparency and how they can be achieved through the inventive use of materials, paper and printing.

Encompassing brand identities, product packaging, photography as well as installations, the 110 select works demonstrate how transparency is interpreted anew in design. Transparent proudly comes after Black & White, Multicolour, Gold & Silver, Neon and Pastel.

Price and Availability

Available worldwide in
September 2015

– 256 pages
– 185 x 250 mm (H)
– Full colour throughout
– Soft cover with jacket
– English
– ISBN 978-988-13203-3-9

Full details here.

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