The 365typo annual book

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The 365typo annual book, published in collaboration with Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI), features 365 stories by the best writers in the field of typography, visual communication, and type and graphic design from all over the world, from Tokyo to San Francisco (via Barcelona, Beirut, Berlin, Istanbul, The Hague, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Mexico City, New York, Paris, Prague, Reading and Tehran).

365typo features key issues, events, happenings, behind-the-scenes storytelling and themes. The book presents not only crucial stories and facts, but also analyses and predictions of future developments in the industry, and helps readers find their way through the labyrinth of current events, trends and ideas.

The brainchild of Typo Magazine, 365typo develops the original idea of bringing together some of the greatest experts in the field and using their enthusiasm to help promote typography and graphic design.

The publisher, editors and contributors all share the idea that 365typo is a service to the industry and strive to make it an important source for future research: A time capsule, an archive that documents the era.

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