Architect’s Newspaper Best Of Design Awards 2016

The Architect’s Newspaper is proud to announce its third annual Best Of Design Awards , a unique project-based awards program that showcases great buildings and building elements.

Entrants are invited to submit completed works in 18 categories that reflect Architect’s Newspaper editorial coverage, as well as the interests and obsessions of its readers. From the winners of these categories, one will be chosen as Project of the Year .

The jury, composed of prominent architects and design professionals, will judge entries based on several criteria: strength of the presentation, evidence of innovation, creative use of new technology, sustainability, and, most importantly, good design.

In order for a project to be eligible for submission it must have been completed within one year’s time of the submission deadline. Landscape projects must have been completed within two year’s time of the submission deadline.

Entrants may submit as many projects in as many categories as they wish, but must register each individually and pay a separate registration fee for each submission.

Entry fees per submission are 125 USD for professionals and 40 USD for students.

Please note: registration deadline is October 29, 2015 while submission deadline is November 2, 2015 . Eligibility Open to architects from all over the world, but projects submitted must be located within the United States. Prize Winners will be published in A|N’s Best Of Design feature, which will appear nationally in the January 2016 print issue. Winning projects will also be featured on the A|N’s website, where they will reach national and international audiences, and will be promoted via social media.

In addition to the winners, the jury will select two honorable mentions for each category , which will be featured as part of the online coverage. Winners will also receive a signed print from James Wines of SITE.

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