International Triennial Of The Political Poster Show

Now in its thirteenth edition, the International Triennial of the Political Poster Show aims at comparing the best political poster designers from all countries with a view to encouraging a means of expression which is also a weapon or a testimony.

Each artist may submit a maximum of 5 political posters ( provided they have been designed after October 1, 2013 ), which illustrate political events, social struggles or any social facts. Posters concerning political pictures or theatre pictures are also accepted.

Each artist is requested to enclose a short biography with his sending and each poster will obligatory include a small text explaining the creation context and its political impact.

The selection of the posters will be made by a selection committee made up of graphic artists, critics and social movement leaders.

There is no entry fee . Eligibility Open to poster designers from all over the world. Prize The overall winner will receive 3.800 Euro ( approx. 4,300 USD ). Three other prices will be also offered.

The 13th International Triennial of the Political Poster Show will be presented from October 2016 in Mons, Belgium.

Enter the most prestigious Typography Competition in the world. The Communication Arts Typography 2016 Competition.

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