Embracing Our Differences 2017 Call for Entries

Art is a powerful tool to evoke social change. Without uttering a single word, artists can enlighten, educate and effect change around the world. Embracing Our Differences invites you to participate in creating a world where differences are embraced and individuality is celebrated.

The mission of Embracing Our Differences is to use the arts as a catalyst for creating awareness and promoting, throughout our communities, the value of diversity, the benefits of inclusion and the significance of the active rejection of hatred and prejudice.

The centerpiece of Embracing Our Differences is an outdoor juried international art exhibit featuring 45 billboard size images ( 16 feet wide by 12.5 feet high ) created by local, national and international artists, writers and students. The display reflects the artists’ interpretations of the theme ” Enriching lives through diversity ”.

Your original art may be any size and in any medium; however, you must create or scan and submit it as a high-resolution ( minimum 300 dpi ) digital file ( JPG, TIFF, PDF, PSD, EPS, GIF, PNG, or AI ). Your digital art must measure exactly 12.8” ( 325.12 mm ) wide by 8.8” ( 223.52 mm ) high. Art must have a horizontal orientation.

There is no entry fee and there is no limit on the number of entries. Eligibility Artists, photographers, professionals, amateurs, teachers and students are eligible. National and international submissions are welcome. Prize A total of 3,000 USD will be presented in the form of three separate awards: 1,000 USD each for Best-in-Show Adult , Best-in-Show Student and the People’s Choice . Both Best-in-Show awards will be granted by a three-judge panel of art professionals. The People’s Choice award will be determined by visitors to the exhibits.

The exhibit is displayed during April and May each year in Sarasota’s Island Park in Southwest Florida (USA).


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