Stories From Syria Global Gallery Contest

Due to the rise of a critically urgent issue concerning refugees in the Arab world, communities needs to come together to address the humanitarian crisis. As a way of showing support and encouraging solidarity, the organisers of Stories From Syria Global Gallery Contest invite you to share your stories from Syria through creative artwork ( images or videos ).

These visual representations will not only be an opportunity to share stories with thousands of people around the world, but will also help inspire action from individuals, organisations, and policy-makers.

There are two themes :

• Images that reflect the current circumstances and crises that Syrian people and/or refugees are facing wherever they are.

• Images that reflect your memories of Syria and feelings towards this beautiful country. What does it remind you of? ( the places you visited, the people, the food, special events, etc. )

The aim is to curate an online collection that will be showcased at different events and exhibitions. With that in mind, please include a text description of up to 500 words with the image or video that you submit.

There is no entry fee . Eligibility While the contest is open to everyone worldwide, contest winners must be between 13-35 years old at the time of entry. Prize • 1st Prize: 300 USD
• 2nd Prize: 200 USD
• 3rd Prize: 100 USD

Please note: 10% of each prize will be donated to an organization of the winners choice supporting Syrian Refugees . A list of suitable organizations will be provided to winners when selected.

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