10th International Arte Laguna Prize

Ten years after its founding, the Arte Laguna Prize opens a new entry period. Promoting contemporary art and providing artists with professional development opportunities are the founding principles of the competition.

There is no thematic guidelines or any other restriction , and its goal is to collect the multiple expressions of contemporary art in the fields of:

• Painting
• Photography
• Sculpture
• Video Art
• Performance
• Digital Art
• Land Art

The works will be evaluated and selected by a jury of international experts including directors of foundations and museums, independent curators, art critics, and chaired by Igor Zanti , curator of the Prize and director of IED Venice .

For the partial support of the organization expenses, the application fee is 50 Euro ( approx. 56 USD ) for one work and 90 Euro ( approx. 100 USD ) for two works in the same section; for every additional work ( submitted to the same section ) the fee is 45 Euro ( approx. 50 USD ).

For under 25 artists the application fee is 45 Euro ( approx. 50 USD ) for one work and 80 Euro ( approx. 90 USD ) for two works in the same section; for every additional work ( submitted to the same section ) the fee is 40 Euro ( approx. 45 USD ) each. Eligibility The contest is open to artists worldwide with no age restrictions. Prize An international jury will select 120 finalist artists for:

• 6 cash prizes of 7.000 Euro ( approx. 7,880 USD ) each
• Major collective exhibition in the Arsenale of Venice
• 4 exhibitions in international Art Galleries
• 2 collaborations with Companies
• 7 Art Residencies
• 3 International Festivals
• Publication in the catalogue

The major collective exhibition will take place in the historical location of the Arsenale in Venice ( Italy ) in March 2016 . The prestigious venue in the lagoon city will host the exhibition of 30 works of painting, 30 sculptures and installations, 30 works of photographic art, 10 videos, 10 land art projects, 5 performances which will be performed live during the exhibition’s opening ceremony.

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