World Gallery Of Cartoons Skopje 2016

Established back in 1969 , the World Gallery of Cartoons is the one and only event of such provenance in Macedonia , the oldest in the Balkan and one of the most long-standing in the world.

There are three categories:

• Cartoons
• Satirical drawings
• Comics/strips

Only hand drawn works on paper ( original works of the artists not previously published ) will be considered in the selection process. All received works ( except the awarded and selected in the first selection ) will be returned to the authors on their request and expense.

There is no entry fee . Eligibility Open to to cartoonists ( professional, semi-professional and amateur ) from all over the world. Prize There will be three first awards and ten special awards . Moreover, one Macedonian cartoonist will also receive the CICO Award . Awarded cartoonists will receive plaques, money prizes and they will be also invited to the awards ceremony to receive the award in person.

For every edition of the World Gallery of Cartoons , OSTEN also publishes an exclusive catalog with the selected cartoonists/works.

The exhibition opening and the official announcement of the awards will take place on May 26, 2016 at OSTEN Gallery, Skopje ( Macedonia ).

WIN GLOBAL RECOGNITION: Enter your websites, mobile and tablet apps, interactive installations, games, social applications and experimental work in the Communication Arts Interactive Competition.

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