Communication Arts 2016 Illustration Competition

Introduce your work to the world. Enter the most prestigious competition for creativity in illustration, the Communication Arts Illustration Competition .

These categories are judged by the jury and will appear in the Illustration Annual:

• Advertising : ads, posters, CDs, packaging, etc.
• Books : cover/jacket and/or interior, must be published
• Editorial : consumer or trade magazine, newspaper
• For Sale : poster, print, note paper, greeting card, licensing/stock, gallery sale, etc.
• Institutional : company/association publication, brochures, collateral, etc.
• Motion/Animation : animation for film, television, video or Web
• Self-Promotion : promotion for illustrators, creative firms and vendors
• Unpublished : commissioned but not published, personal or student work, etc.
• Student work

And from this year you can upload Video entries as well.

Digital files must be RGB in JPG format with a maximum width of 1024 pixels and a maximum height of 768 pixels at 72 dpi.

The deadline will be extended two weeks after January 8, 2016 , but a late entry fee of 10 USD per submission is required. No entries will be accepted after January 22, 2016 . Eligibility Entries may originate from any country, and have to be first printed or produced from January 2015 through January 2016 . Prize Winners will be featured in the Communication Arts Illustration Annual distributed worldwide, in both print and iPad editions, and on , assuring important exposure to the creators of this outstanding work.

Moreover, each winning entrant will also receive one personalized Award of Excellence , milled from solid aluminum, and printed award certificates for all creative contributors.


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