Categories :
Art Direction, Book Design, Branding, Digital Advertising, Digital Design, Direct, Film Advertising Crafts, Graphic Design, Illustration, Integrated & Earned Media, Magazine & Newspaper Design, Mobile Marketing, Music Videos, Outdoor Advertising, Packaging Design, Photography, Press Advertising, Product Design, Radio Advertising, Spatial Design, TV & Cinema Advertising, TV & Cinema, Communications, Typography, Writing for Advertising, Writing for Design .
You can enter the same work into as many categories as you choose, both as a single entry and as part of a campaign. The entry fee will be charged for every category. Eligibility Companies and freelancers from all over the world. You don’t need to be a member of D&AD to enter.
To be eligible, work must have been commercially released between 1 January 2014 and 28 February 2015 and been produced in genuine response to a client brief. Work must not have been entered in previous years. Prize Successful work will be published in the D&AD Annual and featured on the D&AD site. It will be showcased at the Awards Night, and at D&AD exhibitions and events internationally.
Success at the D&AD Awards provides access to a whole host of benefits available to any individual or company credited on work that reaches in Book and above.
Enter the most prestigious Typography Competition in the world. The Communication Arts Typography 2015 Competition.