Dulux Colour Awards 2016 Competition

Good design carefully nurtures the harmonious relationship between colour and form. The imaginative use of colour by architects and interior designers can redefine the spaces they create. For the last 30 years the Dulux Colour Awards has recognised inspirational thinking in the imaginative use of colour by architects and interior designers in redefining the spaces they create.

The primary reference for judging your work will be the colour board, showing the colours and finishes used on the project. The colour board should be made from lightweight artboard or corflute, be A2 ( 420mm x 594mm ) in size and landscape orientation.

There are nine entry categories and ten opportunities to be recognised for exceptional use of colour:

• Commercial Interior ( Workplace and Retail )
• Commercial Interior ( Public and Hospitality )
• Commercial Exterior
• Single Residential Interior
• Multi Residential Interior
• Single Residential Exterior
• Multi Residential Exterior
• International
• Students ( Years 1 to 6 )
• Grand Prix

Projects entered into the professional categories of the Dulux Colour Awards must be completed within the past 12 months. Dulux Colour and Dulux Paint must have been used within the project.

There is no entry fee . Eligibility Entry is open to Architects, Interior Designers, Specifiers, Colour Consultants and Students of Interior Design or Architecture, up to one year of graduation that reside in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea or Fiji . Prize A winner from each category will be selected and commendations will be awarded if the judges deem appropriate.

• Grand Prix winner : 5,000 AUD ( approx. 3,600 USD ) cash prize
• Each category winner : 1,000 AUD ( approx. 720 USD ) cash prize
• Student category winner : 500 AUD ( approx. 360 USD ) cash prize and the opportunity to develop a colour range with Dulux

Winners will be announced at an Awards ceremony on March 10, 2016 , held in Melbourne, Australia.


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