Hiii Photography 2016 International Competition

Hiiibrand is an online platform to exchange creative ideas and practices open to all creative people and teams. Within this platform Hiiibrand organises many call for entries and it has now announced the 2016 edition of the Hiii Photography International Competition .

There are two categories:

• Color
• Mono

Any photo works, first created or published from 2013 through 2016 are eligible. There is no limit to how many works each photographer can submit.

Each photograph is a single entry. Campaigns or series are limited to ten photographs. Any digital files should be saved as JPG, 72 dpi, RGB ( not CMYK ), 1024 pixels on the longest side, less than 500KB.

The first round judging is free . The second round judging fees is 20 USD single entry / 40 USD series. There will be 50% entries into the second round judging. Eligibility Open to all photographers, creative professionals, publishers, agencies, representatives, students and teachers from all the world. Prize Several international well-known judges will select the winners, consisting of:

• Grand Prix (1)
• International Jury Award (4)
• Best of the Best (10)
• Merit Award (50)
• The Nomination (100)

The participator whose works entered into the second round judging will be informed around some time in Jury and August 2016 . The Organizing Committee will announce the finalists in October 2016 .

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