KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival 2016

The KLIK! foundation is a national and international force in provocative quality animation. With the festival as KLIK! ’s flagship, and other exciting activities happening in its wake, they bring their passion for and knowledge of animation to a wide audience.

KLIK! treats animation as an independent art form instead of treating it as a genre of film and aims to make the medium of animation, in the broadest sense of the word, accessible to a wider audience in fresh and exciting new ways to stimulate the emancipation of the medium as a fully realized art form. To this end, KLIK! has organised the annual KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival since its inception in 2007 and a host of other activities throughout the year.

Animations can be submitted in these categories:

• Animated Short
• Animated Student Short
• Commissioned Animation
• Animated Documentary
• Animated Music Video

If eligible, your film can also compete for the categories Best Political Short and Best Animated Short From an Emerging Country .

Please note : Even if you have a project that does not fit in one of the categories ( e.g. feature films, interactive projects, or installations ) it might still be presented during the festival by submitting it outside of the competition.

A maximum of 3 separate films may submitted per filmmaker.

There is no entry fee . Eligibility Entries are welcome from anyone from all over the world. Prize • Animated Short : 1000 Euro ( approx. 1,085 USD ) cash prize & award
• Animated Student Short : 750 Euro ( approx. 814 USD ) cash prize & award
• Commissioned Animation : 500 Euro ( approx. 542 USD ) cash prize & award
• Animated Documentary : 500 Euro ( approx. 542 USD ) cash prize & award
• Animated Music Video : 500 Euro ( approx. 542 USD ) cash prize & award

The 9th festival edition will be hosted during 25-30 October 2016 at EYE, Amsterdam.

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