LensCulture Visual Storytelling Awards 2015

Visual Storytelling Awards 2015 is the second annual international call by LensCulture to discover the best visual storytellers today. With these Awards, LensCulture is eager to discover people who are truly great at using the visual language of photography to tell amazing, remarkable, unforgettable stories.

Entries are welcome in five categories:

• Documentary
• Photojournalism
• Personal Stories
• Fictional Narrative
• Open Category

Entries are welcome as Series , Mini-Series or as Single Images . Upload the highest-quality JPEGs, sized a minimum of 1200 pixels on the longest side but up to 2000 pixels is even better. Maximum size is 10MB. You can submit diptychs as one image.

You can submit as many times as you like ( assuming you have lots of great images and you can afford to pay the entry fees for all of them ), and there are no time-based restrictions concerning when a photo was taken.

All photographers retain full copyrights for their own work.

Entry fee:

• Series ( 6-10 photos ): 60 USD
• Mini-Series ( 2-5 photos ): 40 USD
• Single Photo ( 1 photo ): 20 USD Eligibility Open to professional and amateur photographers worldwide over 18 years of age. Prize Winners will be selected for each category in Series and Mini-Series . The Open Category will also have a five Single Image Winners . In addition, 20 Finalists will be selected across all five categories.

Moreover, LensCulture ’s editors will select photographers during the competition for immediate exposure to their global audience ( before the judging begins ). Also, over 100 of the highest-rated entries will gain visibility with LensCulture Insiders and receive an invitation-only LensCulture Portfolio account.


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