SICAB 2017 International Poster Contest

Held annually in Sevilla ( Spain ), the SICAB ( International Equestrian Trade Fair ) will celebrate this year its 27th anniversary. To celebrate this event the organiser has lunched an International Poster Contest seeking high impact advertising.

Concept and technique are free and shall be decided by the artist.

All artwork must be original and unpublished; said artwork shall not have been presented at any other competition and shall not be a copy, whether in full or in part, nor plagiarized of published works, whether that of the artist or other artists.

All artwork shall be presented and mounted on a ridged support measuring at least 1 cm, without protective glass or fame. The format used is up to the artist, but the minimal size shall be 1 meter by 70 centimetres.

There is no entry fee . Eligibility Open worldwide to all artists and designers who are at least 18 years of age, either as an individual or as a team. Prize The following awards have been established:

• 3000 Euro ( approx. 3,410 USD ) for the First Place
• 1000 Euro ( approx. 1,135 USD ) for each of the honourable mentions

The winner shall be announced publicly on September 26, 2016 .

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