Tokyo Anime Award Festival 2016

The Tokyo Anime Award Festival 2016 ( TAAF2016 ) is an international animation film festival hosted by the Tokyo Anime Award Festival Executive Committee and the Association of Japanese Animations and co‐hosted by Tokyo Metropolitan Government in cooperation with various companies, organizations and individuals that agree with the purpose of TAAF2016 .

TAAF2016 aims to screen high‐quality animation films superior in originality and with strong messages which inspire audience as well as animation studios and contribute to the diversification of animation cultures and promotion of animation industries.

There are two categories:

• Feature Animation Film ( 60 mins long or over )
• Short Animation Film ( shorter than 30 mins )

Feature films have to be available for Festival screening on DCP and QuickTime ProRes 4:2:2 1920 x 1080 . Short films must not necessarily be available on DCP , ProRes is adequate in this case.

If the work contains dialogues in any language other than Japanese , please submit your film with English subtitles + an English time-coded dialogue list.

The copyright of the work submitted belongs to each applicant.

There is no entry fee . Eligibility Open worldwide to any animated film completed after 1st January, 2014 , which have not been screened in Japan for commercial purposes. Prize • Feature Animation Grand Prize : 500,000 Yen ( approx. 4,110 USD )
• Short Animation Grand Prize : 500,000 Yen

The Tokyo Anime Award Festival 2016 will take place in Tokyo ( Japan ), from 18th to 21st March, 2016 .

WIN GLOBAL RECOGNITION: Enter your websites, mobile and tablet apps, interactive installations, games, social applications and experimental work in the Communication Arts Interactive Competition.

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