Trieste Contemporanea Design Contest 2016

The Trieste Contemporanea Committee announces the 12th edition of the International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea with the aim of showcasing the most original design offerings from the countries of Central Eastern Europe .

The competition is a biennial event that now attracts the interest of designers from 23 European countries, and the ’ CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators ’, another biennial event that deals with the topics of cultural promotion and the exchange of curatorial experiences in occasion of the opening of the Venice Biennale .

Main theme of the 2016 edition is ” Waterline ”.

Contestants are asked to make reference to an element/elements of life and work on water which is/are an original and distinctive feature of a place in one of the countries within the purview of the competition, possibly studying a local know-how or exceptional/excellent tradition of that place, and then, using this object of interest as inspiration, to conceive an original item of contemporary design which caters to the latest needs present in the sector.

Each contestant can enter only a single project, unless entering one for the general theme of the competition and a separate one for the Trieste Prize ’s dedicated theme.

There is no entry fee . Eligibility Open to all designers born in CEI countries ( Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine ).

The 2016 edition of the contest has been extended to designers born in Estonia, Germany, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania and Turkey as well. Prize • BEBA Prize – for the youngest designer among those selected: 1000 EUR.
• FVG PRIZE TRUEST Prize – for the best design on the set theme: 1000 EUR.
• CEI Prize 2016 – best design from one of the non-EU CEI countries: 3000 EUR.
• GILLO DORFLES PRIZE / First Prize Trieste Contemporanea 2016 – for the best design 2016: 4000 EUR.

Moreover, the works selected by the panel of judges will be shown in the competition’s final exhibition and published in an online catalogue on the Trieste Contemporanea website.

The awards ceremony will take place in Trieste ( Italy ) at the opening of final exhibition. The winning designers will be invited to travel to Trieste at the organising Committee’s expense in order to collect their prize.

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