A Friendly Introduction to Font Licenses | Medium

Typefaces are like clothes. Clothing for your text. They set the appearance of words and influence their effect on the reader.

But shopping for typefaces is very different from shopping for actual clothes, which you get to own and wear.

To use a typeface, you need to download and/or purchase the font—which is in the form of a file or set of files. But the ownership of these files is not exactly yours.

When you purchase a font, what you are purchasing is the license to use it. Font files, technically, are software. When you buy a font, you get the file, but what you pay for is the right to use it.

Shopping for fonts? Read this first.

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Stockholms Typografiska Gille vill höja kvaliteten på svenska grafiska produkter. Vi debatterar och engagerar oss i utvecklingen inom vårt yrkesområde, studerar och samtalar om konsekvenserna av ny teknik. Vi kritiserar dålig grafisk kvalitet. Genom dessa aktiviteter hoppas vi kunna skapa en större medvetenhet hos såväl producenter av svenska grafiska produkter, beställare av grafisk form och typografi som hos den läsande konsumenten.

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