GÅ TILL FONTFONT »We are delighted to announce that one of our newest FontFonts, FF Franziska by Jacob Runge, has been included in the prestigious Communication Arts 2015 Typography Annual.
The latest annual is the fifth edition and 140 winners were picked from over 1,800 entries. This year’s judges included John Clark, Juan Carlos Pagan and Laura Worthington.
Jakob Runge’s typeface FF Franziska started life as his Master’s thesis at Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel, Germany. A hybrid of a serif and slab serif, it is discreet, functional and modern yet has a real playful personality and is great for body text. Read the full story behind FF Franziska on FFFranziska.com.
Previous FontFont winners of the Communication Arts Typographic Annual include:
- Slávka Pauliková’s FF Dora
- Felix Braden’s FF Scuba
- Nina Stössinger’s FF Ernestine
- Mitja Miklavčič’s FF Tisa Sans
- Max Phillips’s FF Spinoza
- Jörg Hemker’s FF Sero
- Łukasz Dziedzic’s FF More