Hillary’s running mate: Obama’s fonts? — Medium

In addition to the new messaging, the Stronger Together rally materials feature a new visual look, distinct from the brand design the campaign has employed since Clinton’s announcement.

And this matters: modern campaign advocacy requires a synergistic approach to rhetoric and design, with both working concurrently to advance the campaign’s message. The branding, like the rhetoric, must be consistent and immediately recognizable, promote a call to action, and reflect the candidate’s persona. A pivot to the general election is the perfect opportunity for new design language.

The General Election has begun in full. In the two weeks since Hillary Clinton accepted the title of presumptive nominee of the Democratic…

Källa: Hillary’s running mate: Obama’s fonts? — Medium

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Stockholms Typografiska Gille vill höja kvaliteten på svenska grafiska produkter. Vi debatterar och engagerar oss i utvecklingen inom vårt yrkesområde, studerar och samtalar om konsekvenserna av ny teknik. Vi kritiserar dålig grafisk kvalitet. Genom dessa aktiviteter hoppas vi kunna skapa en större medvetenhet hos såväl producenter av svenska grafiska produkter, beställare av grafisk form och typografi som hos den läsande konsumenten.

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