Learn All About Fonts by Playing With These Poker Cards | Mental Floss

Want to learn about fonts? Try playing poker with the Font Deck, a pack of cards designed to help users learn the finer points of typography and font design.

The deck is the work of Canadian designer Ben Barrett-Forrest, who runs a graphic design studio based out of Ontario and the Yukon. In 2014, Barrett-Forrest designed the precursor to the Font Deck, a product called the Design Deck that aimed to teach users about the ins and outs of graphic design. Some of the Design Deck cards feature typography lessons, but the Font Deck—available for $17 a deck on Barrett-Forrest’s website or on Kickstarter—gives the topic a deeper dive.

Källa: Learn All About Fonts by Playing With These Poker Cards | Mental Floss

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Stockholms Typografiska Gille vill höja kvaliteten på svenska grafiska produkter. Vi debatterar och engagerar oss i utvecklingen inom vårt yrkesområde, studerar och samtalar om konsekvenserna av ny teknik. Vi kritiserar dålig grafisk kvalitet. Genom dessa aktiviteter hoppas vi kunna skapa en större medvetenhet hos såväl producenter av svenska grafiska produkter, beställare av grafisk form och typografi som hos den läsande konsumenten.

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