Monotype, Google and MIT’s AgeLab team up to research legibility

The way we read has changed dramatically in the past few decades. Our default method is no longer to read ink on paper but digital type on screens of all sizes – from handheld phones and tablets to large-scale billboards. Most of us now consume information at a glance: a brief look at a text message, a pop-up notification on your desktop, the screen of your smartwatch or the Sat Nav in your car. We often read on the move and in visually noisier environments than ever before.

There is a great deal of research into legibility – how fonts and typography styles affect our ability to consume information – but much of it dates back to a time when the predominant form of reading was in print or at a desk. A new research consortium founded by MIT’s AgeLab, Google and Monotype, however, is hoping to investigate how we read in ‘glance-based’ environments: in particular, on digital screens, HUD displays and in VR and AR environments.

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Stockholms Typografiska Gille vill höja kvaliteten på svenska grafiska produkter. Vi debatterar och engagerar oss i utvecklingen inom vårt yrkesområde, studerar och samtalar om konsekvenserna av ny teknik. Vi kritiserar dålig grafisk kvalitet. Genom dessa aktiviteter hoppas vi kunna skapa en större medvetenhet hos såväl producenter av svenska grafiska produkter, beställare av grafisk form och typografi som hos den läsande konsumenten.

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