SPIN: 360˚/ MADE NORTH EXHIBITION | Sheffield | 7.10.—14.11.15

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The Spin: 360º project manifests itself in many different ways. A book, a website, a series of Spotify playlists and now, a living exhibition.

On the 7th and 8th of October the Spin studio will be relocating to Sheffield to present a unique experience at the Made North Gallery redefining the concept of a design exhibition.

The exhibition will not only show Spin studio’s outputs, inspiration, processes and self initiated work but you will also have the opportunity to view a museum standard collection of historical graphic design as well as the complete library of Unit Editions books.

Come along to meet the team and find out who we are and how we work.

The opening night will launch Spin’s collaborations with wood fired Pizza’s made by Proove inspired by the book and a specially brewed beer ‘Spin Black Pale’ by Thornbridge Brewery, all available free on the night.


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