Type: New Perspectives in Typography | by Henrik Kubel and Scott Williams | Laurence King Publishers

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An excellent and highly recommended book for anyone with an interest in contemporary typography / type design — featuring Henrik Kubel and Scott Williams ‘Selection’ of work that ‘demonstrates an intelligent, thoughtful and above all, inspirational use of typography’.

Well illustrated throughout, featuring ground breaking work from over 100 designers from more than 20 countries – A good mix of the well known to emerging designers. Essays by acclaimed design writers, Rick Poyner, Moniker Parrinder, Colin Davies and Emily King discuss the past and future in Type design. Paul Shaw’s essay – an indepth review of 20th Century typographic design and profiles on the leading designers is particularly good.

Press Info
Type: New Perspectives in Typography by Henrik Kubel and Scott Williams and published by Laurence King, explores contemporary type design through stunning visual examples and essays by acclaimed design writers.

This A to Z survey of typographic design, edited by leading typographers A2/SW/HK, showcases the work of more than 100 carefully selected contemporary designers including David Pearson,Philippe Apeloig and Anthony Burrill. Chosen for their unique contribution to the field of typography, these designers have left a lasting impression with their ground-breaking work. While some designers will be familiar, others may just surprise you.

Beautiful full-colour visual examples are accompanied by essays from acclaimed design writers that explore the past and future of type design. Rick Poynor provides an insightful introduction; Paul Shaw has contributed an extensive overview of 20th century typographic design; Monika Parrinder and Colin Davies investigate ‘TypeToday’ and new technologies; and Emily King explores the link between graphic design and typography within contemporary art.




Thanks to Amy Greaves | Laurence King for the images/info


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