Text Rendering Hates You | Alexis Beingessner

Alexis Bingessner har här skrivit en överraskande underhållande och  detaljerad artikel om digital textrendering i olika webb-läsare. Om varför text aldrig ser ut som du tänkt på webben.

Rendering text, how hard could it be? As it turns out, incredibly hard! To my knowledge, literally no system renders text ”perfectly”. It’s all best-effort, although some efforts are more important than others.

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10 Kerning Tips to Improve Your Typography | Creative Market Blog

Kerning measures the space between two different letters. A kerning mistake could make a word difficult to read, and might affect how natural the text looks. From this definition alone, you can probably understand what a huge role kerning can play. Sadly, a lot of designers fail to see this impact and end up making kerning mistakes that can cost them projects and clients. Some rely on what their software dictates, while some focus too much on the images surrounding the text.

To make sure that you avoid having all these kerning mistakes, here are a few tips that will surely help you out.

Läs mer: 10 Kerning Tips to Improve Your Typography ~ Creative Market Blog