5th Annual Mobile Photography Awards

The Mobile Photography Awards were founded in 2011 to recognize and celebrate the talent and imagery of the mobile photo & art communities. Over the course of five years, the Mobile Photography Awards has evolved into the world’s largest annual event and competition of it’s kind.

There are 19 categories:

· Architecture & Design
· Black and White
· Digital Art / Photo Illustration
· Landscapes
· Macro/Details by Olloclip
· Nature and Wildlife
· People
· Photo Journalism
· Portraits
· The Darkness
· Travel
· Still Life
· Self-Portraits
· Silhouettes
· Street Photography
· Transportation
· Visual FX
· Waterscapes
· The Photo Essay

Every image entered may be placed in up to two categories. You may use any app or any combination of apps on your phone or tablet to edit your photos. Images must be at least 640 pixels wide, larger than 100kb and no larger than 4mb.

Artist keeps 100% of copyright .

Entry fees: 20 USD for three images, 30 USD for five images, 50 USD for nine images and 100 USD for twenty images. The MPA Photo Essay has it’s own entry fee of 30 USD. Eligibility Photographers and artists of all ages and countries of residence are welcome to submit images shot and edited on any mobile phone or tablet. Prize The Mobile Photography Awards offers 10,000 USD in cash and prizes including a 3,000 USD Grand Prize, 500 USD for best photo essay, fine art exhibits, print sales, exposure to galleries, art advisors & collectors, fine art fairs, and plenty of awesome mobile photography gear.

Moreover, all works accepted for display as part of the Mobile Photography Awards Exhibits will be considered for sale at the exhibitions. Standard retail prices will be suggested correlating to the size of the print in the show. Artist gets 50% of profit after print costs.


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