TRENDS Awards For Architecture / Design 2015

In its third year, TRENDS Excellence Awards For Architecture & Design has become India’s most sought after design awards. Presented by Home & Design TRENDS magazine, the awards aim to accolade utmost level of creativity, innovation, originality and inspiring practices in the field of Indian architecture, interiors, and design.

There are five main categories:

• Architecture
• Interior Design
• Product Design
• Best Practice
• Visual Design

To make a valid entry, you have to submit 10 images per project, minimum 1 to maximum 5 drawings per project ( not required for visual design ), one floor plan per project ( not required for visual design ) and a project concept note ( max 150 words ).

Only actual photographs should be submitted. Computer generated/modified photographs will not be accepted ( they will be accepted only for Best concept for an unbuilt project category ).

A firm can submit upto 2 entries per subcategory . Entries will be evaluated based on engagement, innovation, appeal, human experience and aesthetics.

There is no entry fee . Eligibility Open worldwide to all architects, interior designers, product designers, graphic designers and photographers. The submitted works must be located within India only. However, the firm can be based outside the country and still be eligible . Prize Winners and runners up will be published in the 2015 Awards Book .

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