Art Revolution Taipei International Competition 2016

The Taiwan International Contemporary Artist Association together with Art Revolution Taipei are promoting the 2016 edition of one of Asia’s top art contests, the International Artist Grand Prize Competition .

There is no specific theme required.

Each artist may submit up to two artworks created with Oil or Acrylic and completed no earlier than June 2012 . Dimension: 120cm ( maximum width ) x 150cm ( maximum height ). Image must be fine quality with 300 dpi, no less than 5 MB.

All submitted artworks must be for sale. the sale price of each artwork shall be clearly indicated in the entry form and shall include the commission of the organiser ( 50% sale price ). The organiser may not select any artwork with a sale price deviating from the market price in Asia.

There is no entry fee . Eligibility The contest is open to all artists worldwide over 18 years old. Prize All finalists will be exhibited for sale in the Art Revolution Taipei 2016 fair ( Apr 21 to Apr 25, 2016 ) and will receive a certificate of exhibition.

The juror will also select one artist for the Gallery Award , who will be sponsored by X-Power Gallery and obtain one free exhibition unit (9m2) in Art Revolution Taipei 2017 .


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