Tokyo 2020 Emblems Design Competition

In 2020 , the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held in Tokyo ( this will be the second time that the Games will be held in Tokyo following the 1964 Games ), and the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee has now launched an open design competition looking for the new emblems.

The emblems should symbolise the Games that will be held in Tokyo and in Japan , and they should seek to evoke empathy from and be loved by not only Japan but people all over the world. The emblems should be something that everyone involved in the Games would be proud even after the Games are over.

Therefore Tokyo 2020 would like all applicants to give full rein to their imagination and creativity, and incorporate one or more of the following key concepts into their design:

• The power of sport
• Japanese-ness and Tokyo-ness
• World peace
• Personal Best and Utmost Efforts
• Sense of Unity and Inclusion
• Innovativeness and Future-oriented
• Reconstruction and the Power to Rise Up

The works are to be created by drawing software ( may be any type ), and entries of scanned or photographed hand-drawn works may not be submitted. Hard-copy prints or editable data files may be requested at a later date.

Entries may be made individually or as a group ( up to 10 people ). If a group, it has to have someone who meets the eligibility conditions as the representative ( for example, a person who is under 18 years of age not residing in Japan may make a submission with a representative who meets the conditions ).

Limited to one entry per person ( or group ).

There is no entry fee . Eligibility Open to anyone at least 18 years of age ( as of 1 April 2015 ) with Japanese nationality or foreigners residing in Japan ( who have Japanese resident cards ). Prize Prize for the winning entry: JPY 1,000,000 ( approx. 8,370 USD ). Moreover, the winning entry will receive an official invitation to attend the opening ceremonies of both the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games .

The results will be announced and posted on the official site around Spring 2016 .


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