Emerging Artists 2016 Competition

SlowArt Productions presents Emerging Artists 2016 , the twenty forth annual competition for group exhibition and awards. This event is devoted to the discovery, introduction and promotion of emerging artists.

All forms of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, graphics, digital and installation art, video, etc. are eligible . Wall mounted works must not be taller than 96″ no wider than 120″. Sculptural work must fit through a standard height, 36″ wide entry door.

All works in the show must be for sale. The gallery will take a 35 percent commission on all sales. Sale price is determined by the artist.

Artist retains all copyrights to submitted images and represented artwork.

There is a 35 USD entry fee for one to four artworks entered, presentation is by digital JPG image files and/or print reproductions ( 5 USD fee for each additional artwork above four ). Eligibility Open to all artists worldwide working in all media. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older to apply. Prize Winning artists will be featured in a group exhibition at the Limner Gallery, March 2 – April 2, 2016 . The exhibition will also be displayed on the Limner Gallery web site.

There will be a three solo exhibition awards . One artist will be featured in a solo exhibit in the front main gallery. A second artist will be featured in the second middle gallery. A third artist will exhibit in the third rear gallery. Solo exhibits will be held in June 2016 .

One artist will be awarded a two page display in Direct Art Volume #23 , Fall 2016 issue. Two artists will be awarded a single page display. Direct Art is published annually and distributed internationally in online and in print formats.


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