It will look and feel like a comic, but they are encouraging story/short fiction told visually, addressing an issue or topic. The submissions must be related to the theme of the anthology, which will explore the topic of ” Identity ”.
The short story can be of 5-15 pages (Color / B&W). Paper size: 9” x 6” inches. Image format can be JPG or TIFF, not be greater than 10MB. One can submit a maximum of two graphic stories, but each story should be sent separately.
All entrants will retain copyright over their entry(s).
There is no entry fee . Eligibility Open worldwide to cartoonists, artists and writers working in all genres. Prize All participants whose stories have been selected for publication will receive an honorarium . Moreover, the stories selected will be published in an anthology of graphic short-stories.
Selection of finalists will be announced on 1 June 2014 .