Joseph Binder Design & Illustration Award 2016

The Joseph Binder Award is an international competition with a focus on graphic design and illustration and was first launched in 1996 by designaustria , the interest organization and knowledge centre for design in Austria.

It is named after one of the most outstanding graphic designers and illustrators active in Austria between the two World Wars, who subsequently also revolutionized visual communication in the United States.

Joseph Binder’s motto was: ” In design, everything has a function. Design has a representational function. Design has a communicational function. Design has a motivational function. ”

The entries will be assessed by an international jury in fourteen categories:

• Corporate Design
• Communication Design
• Information Design
• Type Design
• Poster Design
• Editorial Design Books
• Editorial Design Periodicals
• Packaging Design
• Digital Media
• Book Illustration
• Media Illustration
• Commercial Illustration
• Digital Illustration
• Illustration in Miscellaneous Applications

Moreover, there is also a Special Category for unpublished works, independent/ non-commercial projects, unreal- ised concepts, student projects, etc. in all disciplines.

Participation is open to both individuals and teams. The number of entries is not limited.

Please note: early bird deadline is 29 February 2016 ( 10% discount on entry fee ), regular deadline is 17 April 2016 . Eligibility Graphic designers, illustrators, and students enrolled in relevant courses from all over the world are invited to enter their works realized in 2014 and after. Prize In each category, a Joseph Binder Award in gold, silver, and bronze will be awarded in the form of trophies: the ball of crumpled paper encased in glass is a symbol for the creative process.

In order to support independent, conceptual, and scientific activities in the fields of graphic design and illustration, money prizes will be awarded in the Design Fiction category in addition to the trophies:

• First prize : 2,500 euros ( approx. 2,670 USD )
• Second prize : 2,000 euros
• Third prize : 1,500 euros

Additionally, the jury may choose up to five Merit Awards per category. All of the entries selected by the jury will be published in a catalogue.

Moreover, this is the first time that the ico-D Excellence Award ( which has been known since 1986 as Icograda Excellence Award ) will honour a project entered in the Joseph Binder Award displaying outstanding design merits.


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