Reduce It! International Illustration Contest

In connection with the European Week for Waste Reduction programme, the STKH Sopron invites all professional and amateur cartoonists, satirical artists and graphic designers to an international illustration contest with the theme ’ Reduce it! ’ ( flatten your trash before putting it in the bin ).

Entries can be sent via post ( STKH Sopron és Térsége Kft, Sopron, Pf. 101, 9401, Hungary ) or e-mail ( ). Cartoons sent by emails should be in JPG format ( 300 dpi ), sized at about 2500 pixels wide if in portrait format and 3500 pixels wide if in landscape format. Each participant is allowed a maximum of 3 cartoons . Previously published cartoons are not allowed for submission.

Works will be judged by a professional jury. Unique vision, expressiveness and eye catching aesthetic are the highest priorities when deciding the winners.

Special professional advice can be asked of the competition’s artistic director Szénási Ferenc at the following email address: .

There is no entry fee . Eligibility Open to anyone worldwide aged 14 or older. Prize • First prize: 300 Euro ( approx. 340 USD )
• Second prize: 200 Euro
• Third prize: 100 Euro

Moreover, the best submissions will be exhibited as a part of the European Week for Waste Reduction programme ( 21-29 November, 2015 ) at the Liszt Ferenc Conference Cultural Center in Sopron ( Hungary ) from November 23, 2015 .


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