RWS Contemporary Watercolour Competition 2016

The RWS Contemporary Watercolour Competition is an annual international competition organised by the Royal Watercolour Society to encourage innovation and experimentation in watercolour painting, spanning work on paper in watercolour, acrylic, gouache, pen & ink and watercolour mixed media.

A maximum of six paintings can be submitted. All submitted works must have been created within the last four years of submission and must be the original work of the artist. Paintings must not exceed 100cm x 100cm when framed.

All paintings in water-based media, including watercolour, pen and ink, acrylic and gouache are eligible, regardless of style or subject matter , as long as they are painted on paper.

The judges are looking for pieces that push at the boundaries of watercolour, promote water-based media at its most accomplished and ask audiences to see the medium in a new and contemporary light.

The copyright of all works remains vested in the artist.

There is an entry fee of 14 GBP ( approx. 21 USD ) per painting. Eligibility Open to all artists worldwide except RWS Members. Any artist ( providing they are not a member of the RWS ) working with water-based media can apply. Prize Successful entrants will be notified promptly after the judging to allow them to frame and deliver their original paintings for an exhibition ( 4 – 16 March 2016 ) taking place at Bankside Gallery , next to Tate Modern, in the heart of London’s cultural quarter.

Moreover, prizes will include:

• Art materials
• Purchase prizes
• Cash awards from 500 GBP to 1000 GBP


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