Scottsdale International Fine Art Competition

The Scottsdale Biennale invites artists from around the world to participate in an international art competition for a chance to win valuable industry accolades and prizes that will advance their career as an artist.

Judged in the historic Art District of Downtown Scottsdale ( USA ), three annual competitions are held honoring different artistic mediums, with the goal of celebrating fine art, discovering new talent and, and challenging artists to master their craft. Currently the Oil Painting competition is open for entries.

Showing work is the one of the best ways to challenge oneself and improve as an artist. History points to the importance of art showcasing and competition for artists looking to have their work recognised in a competitive environment. Named after the world-famous Venice Biennale which started in 1895 , the Scottsdale Biennale aims to do just that.

After submitting your artwork, a panel of qualified judges will decide on which pieces truly deserve to be recognized. Once the finalists are chosen, they are invited to send in their artwork to be judged in person and showcased during the exhibition at Wee Gallery. Once the winners are selected from this group of finalists, artists will be contacted and invited to attend the award ceremony.

Entry fee for submission is 40 USD per art piece. 20 USD for students ( attach proof of enrolment ). Eligibility Open to anyone worldwide. Prize The top three best pieces will be awarded prizes and titles of Grand Prize winner, Best of Show winner, Exceptional Merit winner, and any other Honorable Mentions .

Grand Prize :

• Cash prize of up to 5,000 USD
• Invitation to Award Ceremony in Scottsdale, AZ, USA
• Publicity and online promotion
• 8-week exhibition in Scottsdale Arts District

Enter the most prestigious Typography Competition in the world. The Communication Arts Typography 2016 Competition.

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