SEGD Global Design Awards 2016

Since 1987 , the SEGD Global Design Awards have set the standard of excellence for environmental graphic design and experiential graphic design, honoring design work that connects people to place by providing direction, content, and compelling experiences in public spaces.

Winning projects have ranged from interactive multimedia environments to complex hospital wayfinding systems and from branded corporate environments to museum exhibitions. Retail and interior projects, architectural signing, public art, design research, and books have also won awards.

There are seven main categories:

• Digital Experience Content
• Exhibition
• Interactive Experience
• Placemaking and Identity
• Public Installation
• Strategy/Research/Planning
• Wayfinding

A multi-disciplinary jury representing practitioners from a diversity of design disciplines, as well as clients, users, and students, will evaluate the submissions and select winning projects based on their effectiveness in connecting people to place, creating a unique and memorable user experience, and solving the client’s objectives and design challenge.

There is no limit on the number of projects that can be entered by an individual or firm. Projects must have been completed between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2015 . Projects can be submitted by SEGD members and non-SEGD members.

Please note: the deadline for submissions to the awards is January 31, 2016 , but submissions will be accepted with late fees ( 50 USD per project ) through February 14, 2016 . Eligibility Open worldwide to: Environmental graphic designers, Graphic artists, Architects, Exhibit designers, Media developers, Landscape architects, Industrial designers, Interior designers, Fabricators, Clients and Students.

Student work is defined as work done in 2014 or 2015 by full-time students enrolled in a recognized design program. Prize Honor and Merit awards will be named in each of the categories and a Best in Show Award will also be selected. Winning projects will be featured in eg magazine , SEGD’s award-winning journal of environmental graphic design, and on the SEGD website. SEGD will also distribute press releases to various media outlets announcing the award winners.

Moreover, winners will be honored at the SEGD Global Design Awards Celebration during the SEGD Conference, June 9-11, 2016 , in Seattle; attendance is a requirement of winning.


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