5 Typography Tools Every Designer Needs to Know ~ Creative Market Blog

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Every designer loves good type and knows how important typography is for a design. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about web, print or packaging, we all know how crucial it is to use the proper typography for each of our projects.
Talking a little bit about definitions, I love when I read Wikipedia’s definition of typography: ”Typography is the art and technique of arranging type in order to make the language it forms most appealing to transparent learning and recognition”. And I do believe that it is an art to arrange type in a beautiful and efficient way, specially when you need to communicate something important to an specific audience.

5 Typography Tools Every Designer Needs to Know ~ Creative Market Blog.

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Stockholms Typografiska Gille vill höja kvaliteten på svenska grafiska produkter. Vi debatterar och engagerar oss i utvecklingen inom vårt yrkesområde, studerar och samtalar om konsekvenserna av ny teknik. Vi kritiserar dålig grafisk kvalitet. Genom dessa aktiviteter hoppas vi kunna skapa en större medvetenhet hos såväl producenter av svenska grafiska produkter, beställare av grafisk form och typografi som hos den läsande konsumenten.