FontStruct. Build, Share, Download Fonts
Today we’re very happy to announce the launch of a new, HTML5 version of our font editor, the FontStructor.
Superficially it’s very similar to the old one and we’ve retained all the simplicity and ease of use which are the hallmarks of FontStruct; but under the hood the new FontStructor uses standard HTML5 technology for the first time, and no longer relies on the Flash plugin.
This change will help us to continue to improve the editor and add new features in the future. It will also allow users to edit FontStructions on tablets, or even – for those of you with sharp eyes and very slender fingers – on smart phones, for the first time. Note that support for mobile devices is quite basic so far, but we hope to improve that in the coming months.
In this first release of the new FontStructor we’ve added a few small, but significant features.