TypeType Foundry

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Located in St. Petersburg, Russia, TypeType was founded in 2013 by type designer Ivan Gladkikh. His goal has been, from the very beginning, to make quality fonts for a wide audience, and as a result, each of his typefaces is the product of a collaboration with designers and engineers from around the world. “We look at our fonts as a piece of art but set to them very strict quality requirements,” he says.

Prolific since the start the foundry has grown to over a dozen original, widely varying typefaces that have been produced thanks to both Ivan’s decade of experience working with fonts and the inspiration he gains from working with other designers. His bestselling family, Bluescreens, a narrow grotesque face created specifically for use in all-things movies (posters, titles, trailers, etc.) was featured on the Hot New Fonts list shortly after its release.

Having started one of St. Petersburg’s first dedicated font foundry’s, Ivan is focused on cultivating and generating new type designers in the region. “In Russia there are not a lot of good and talented font designers who are not afraid to work,” he says. “So we also organized a school and train specialists. We hope that font designers will appear from this school in the future.”





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