The Book Illustration Competition 2016

The Book Illustration Competition is a unique partnership between House of Illustration and The Folio Society that seeks to identify and promote new talent in illustration.

Each year entrants are asked to submit three illustrations and a binding design for a book chosen by The Folio Society . The book to be illustrated this year is War Horse by Michael Morpurgo . It may be helpful to read it through once to understand the complete story and then read it again to select the scenes you would like to illustrate.

Your illustrations can either bleed off the page or be surrounded by a white border for a trimmed page size of 197 x 137 mm. If your illustrations bleed ( fill the entire page ), please ensure the size is 203 x 143 mm which includes an extra 3 mm all around that will be trimmed off when the book is produced.

You can use any medium that is suitable for reproduction. Illustrations may be in colour or black and white. All images must be portrait. Only one entry per person is allowed.

Entry fee is 25 GBP ( approx. 38 USD ), or 15 GBP ( approx. 23 USD ) for students. Eligibility Open to illustrators over the age of 18, both student and professional, who have not been previously published by The Folio Society . Prize The winner receives a highly sought-after commission, worth 5,000 GBP ( approx. 7,700 USD ), to complete a total of nine illustrations and a binding design for the book, which is then published by The Folio Society . Five runners each receive 500 GBP ( approx. 770 USD ) cash.

Three prizes of the six are awarded to student entries.


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