Hidden Sheep and Typography Archaeology – Ben Zotto – Medium

Följ med på en resa bakåt i tiden då typsnitten påminde om Minecraft-block staplade på varandra. Ben Zotto dissikerar några av de första mactypsnitten.

Unpacking the original Macintosh bitmap fonts

Källa: Hidden Sheep and Typography Archaeology – Ben Zotto – Medium

Why All Good Designers Need to Know The Visual History of Type

“Exhaustive” is a word bandied around a fair bit when it comes to books, but in the case of The Visual History of Type, a whopping new tome from Laurence King that details every major typeface produced since the advent of printing in the mid-15th century until now, we kind of think the adjective is apt.

Läs mer» Why All Good Designers Need to Know The Visual History of Type

Skaffa boken » http://www.laurenceking.com/us/coming-soon/design/the-visual-history-of-type-1/

The Ripple Effect: How Our Smallest Design Choices Can Make A Big Impact

The rules of typography and information design provide us with a framework with which to design. But within these constraints, can our design choices have wider implications?

Källa: The Ripple Effect: How Our Smallest Design Choices Can Make A Big Impact