Etikett: digital
Hidden Sheep and Typography Archaeology – Ben Zotto – Medium
Följ med på en resa bakåt i tiden då typsnitten påminde om Minecraft-block staplade på varandra. Ben Zotto dissikerar några av de första mactypsnitten.
Unpacking the original Macintosh bitmap fonts
Källa: Hidden Sheep and Typography Archaeology – Ben Zotto – Medium
A framework for creating a predictable & harmonious spacing system for faster design-dev handoff
Enabling design & development teams to use spacing deliberately for improved readability and consistency in product.
Källa: A framework for creating a predictable & harmonious spacing system for faster design-dev handoff
mightyCrow/tipograf: Lightweight pure CSS typography base for your next project
tipograf is a Lightweight typography base. It is available in pure CSS or Less. Heavily inspired by Medium, it tries to enforce good vertical rhythm.
Kolla in projektet på GitHub: mightyCrow/tipograf: Lightweight pure CSS typography base for your next project
Tech Giants Team Up to Fix Typography’s Biggest Problem