YouTube Sans: The Making of a Typeface – Library – Google Design

YouTube Sans

Läs hur YouTube skapade ett egen hustypsnitt som svarar till alla moderna krav. Variabel font, små och stora storlekar, skärmar av olika slag, gråskalor, ligaturer mm. för att inte tala om antalet språk ett Googleägt företag måste kunna kommunicera på.

Skrivet av Chris Bettig, Art Director, YouTube.

Läs mer: YouTube Sans: The Making of a Typeface – Library – Google Design

The evolution of typography with variable fonts – Jason Pamental | Medium

An introduction to Variable Fonts for designers and brand experts and owners

Words have power, and typography is their voice

For centuries, type has been how we ‘hear’ what we read. It’s also generally understood that typefaces and typography are a core element of branding, of expression, of vocal range. Great typography influences understanding, mood, and meaning in countless ways and is an essential part of design…

We may still be at the dawn of this new era, but it’s future is certainly bright

Källa: The evolution of typography with variable fonts – Jason Pamental – Medium

How New Font Technologies Will Improve The WebHow New Font Technologies Will Improve The Web | Smashing Magazine

In this article, you’ll learn about new font technologies, including the ins and outs of these new tools and how to take control of our typography.