I samband med utställningen med Whittington Press kommer John Randle hålla föredrag på KB. Johns föredrag kommer att dedicera Carl Fredrik Hultenheim och som han skriver:
”I thought I’d call my talk ‘The Third Dimension’, that is, the sensory dimension (visual, tactile, even olfactory) to a book that is completely missing from the digitally designed book printed on featureless paper, and that can only be experienced in the books printed by letterpress, from type, in an analogue rather than digital form. There is now such an enthusiasm for the analogue experience among the younger generation that makes letterpress more relevant than ever, when many of us thought it would gently die away in our lifetimes.
I will concentrate on the work of two printers apart from ourselves, Richard Årlin, and Gaylord Schanilec in Wisconsin, both outstanding examples of what I mean.”
Måndag 12 oktober, kl. 17.30 på Kungliga Biblioteket